
Do you have a project or piece of work that you would like to share with your peers?

Submitting an abstract at conference is an excellent way to communicate the outcomes of your research project with fellow practitioners, researchers and educators.

Presenting will also support your personal development, showcase your skills and help grow your CV.

Each year there are over 100 posters presented and 12 oral paper presentations are presented at conference from submissions covering the breadth of infection prevention topics.

IP2024 Conference Awards

Best Poster

Postoperative remote first care for financially and environmentally sustainable healthcare in surgical site infection. Ross Lathan, Nihr Academic Clinical Fellow In Vascular Surgery, Hull York Medical School

Highly commended Poster

Improving standards of care of Central Venous Catheters (CVC); Removing unnecessary gloves during routine Intravenous (IV) drug preparation. Danel Meno, Education Lead – IPC, The Whittington Health

Best Oral  Development of a Harms based Interactive Training Session for Infection Prevention and Control Alyson Gardiner, Senior Ipcn, University Hospitals Birmingham Nhs Foundation Trust (uhb)

Submit Abstract
Oral Abstract Presentation

Call For Abstracts Open Now!

Abstract Submission

Abstract submissions are invited for consideration for Infection Prevention 2025, which will be held in Brighton on 29th and 30th September 2025.

Important Dates

  • Call for Abstract Submissions Opens: 4th March 2025
  • Abstract Submission Deadline: 8th June 2025 at Midnight
  • Notification of Review Outcome: W/C 21st July 2025
  • Deadline for accepted authors to register to confirm attendance: 4th August 2025

What are we looking for?

Submitting an abstract at a conference is an excellent way to communicate the outcomes of your research project with fellow practitioners, researchers and educationalists. Presenting will also support your personal development, showcase your skills and help grow your CV.

Each year there are over 100 posters presented and 12 oral paper presentations at conference. We do hope you consider submitting an abstract.


Abstracts are welcome in any one of the following categories:

  • AMR in action (including One Health)
  • Use of digital/AI solutions for enhanced IPC
  • Sustainability
  • Built environment
  • Fundamentals of care
  • IPC in specialist settings e.g. oncology, renal, community, adult social care, and prisons/places of detention
  • Biofilms
  • Improving quality through Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF)
  • Organism / site specific infections

Presentation Type

An abstract can be submitted for presentation at the Conference as one of the following categories:

  • Oral or Poster Presentation
  • Poster Presentation only

At the review stage, the Programme Committee may change the presentation preference submitted by the author to ensure the continuity of the conference programme i.e. oral presentation may be changed to poster presentation OR poster presentation to oral presentation. The presenting Author will be informed of any change to their submitted presentation preference at the acceptance notification stage. The decision of the programme committee is final.

Oral Format

Oral presentations will be 13 minutes long with 2 minutes for questions and answers

Poster Format

Accepted posters will be asked to produce a poster for display at the conference. Presenters are asked to take note of the following guidelines when producing their poster:

  • Maximum poster size is A0 (0.84 x 1.19m) (portrait orientation)
  • Keep text to a minimum
  • Ensure any text is in large font
  • Use graphs, charts, and/or tables
  • Ensure contents have a logical flow
  • Make it colourful
  • Removal and collection of posters at the end of the display period remains the responsibility of the presenter. Posters not removed by the indicated take down time will be removed and disposed of.

Poster Talks

A poster talk will include 5-6 authors, who will all have approximately 5 mins to talk about their poster at a designated poster talk session.

All abstracts that are accepted as posters will be considered for a poster talk.

Please indicate during submission if you would NOT like your poster to be included in the chance of being part of a poster talk. This is not guaranteed, but a selection of posters will be chosen to be part of a poster talk.

Previously presented abstracts

Abstracts that have been previously presented at another Conference will not be considered for presentation and authors will be asked to confirm this when submitting the abstract. Please email conference@ips.uk.net if you are unsure about submitting previously presented work.


Each year the Scientific Program Committee ‘may’ give an award for the ‘Best Oral Presentation’ and/or the ‘Best Poster Presentation’ or any other such category the committee deem appropriate. These will be judged by a panel appointed by the Scientific Program Committee using a scoring based system to ensure a fair process. If awarded, these will be presented to the lead author only and may be accompanied by an associated prize which will be determined by the Scientific Program Committee. Awards may be presented at conference and/or published in IPS communications post conference, this will be communicated in advance.

Submission Process

The abstract submission process for IP2025 is through an online submission portal


  1. The Presenting Author must submit the abstract and is required to be the corresponding author for that abstract.
  2. You do not need to register for the conference in order to submit the abstract.
  3. All abstracts must be received by the submission deadline to be included in the review.
  4. Accepted abstract presenters must register by 4th August.
  5. Abstracts must be submitted in English.

Who submits the abstract?

The Presenting Author must submit the abstract and will act as the main point of contact for the abstract with organisers.

Once you enter the online submission portal, start by creating an account. Please keep a record of the account details you use to set up the account as you will require them to log into the IP2025 abstract submission portal. Upon successful submission of the abstract a confirmation email will be sent to the Presenting Author.

If you have not received a confirmation email, please check that your abstract is not left in draft and is fully submitted by logging back into the portal and checking on the Edit/View Abstracts page.

Can you edit a submitted abstract?

You can save your submission as a draft and return to edit the submission at a later point. It is important to note that once it has been submitted the abstract cannot be edited after the abstract submission deadline. Ensure that your abstract is not left in draft as it will not be reviewed.

Submission Details Required

The online abstract submission is a simple step-by-step process and will ask you to input the following details:

  • Abstract text - word limit is 300 words
  • Presentation type – Oral or Poster, Poster only
  • Theme - chosen from the theme list above
  • Presenting Author - Name, affiliation, and job title of presenting author (this person must be listed as the first author)
  • Co-Authors - Name, affiliation, and job title of co-author(s)
  • Additional information
    • Poster talk – If you would NOT like to be considered for a poster talk indicate in portal
    • Confirmation abstract not previously presented
    • Conflict of Interest - Please list any conflicts of interest related to your abstract below. If there are none, please type 'no conflicts to declare'
    • Data consent agreement
    • Alternative contact for abstract
    • Publication of abstract agreement

Submission Guidelines:

It is ESSENTIAL that you read the guidelines below before you submit. Abstracts which do not adhere to the guidelines will not be reviewed. Abstract Template Abstracts must be formatted using the IP2025 template. The Abstract word limit is 300, (word limit includes: references; excludes: title, authors and affiliations) and must include the following sections as set out in the abstract template:

  • Aim
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Conclusion

Download the template below to create the abstract and then save as a Word file to upload to the system. Only WORD files will be accepted for upload. Graphs and tables may not be included in the abstract. Abstracts will not be edited and will be added to the conference website and/or conference app as submitted. Ensure that all grammar and spelling is correct.

Download Abstract Template

Abstract style

  • Abstracts must be written in a narrative format (not bullet points).
  • Abstract must be written using accurate grammar and spelling. Poor grammar or spelling may result in the abstract being rejected.
  • All places, people and organisation must be anonymised within the submitted text.
  • Organism names should be presented using italics - first use should be genus name in full e.g. - Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and any subsequent use should be upper case initial followed by a full stop and the species name e.g. M. tuberculosis.

Review and Notification of Acceptance

All abstracts will go through a blind peer-review carried out by reviewers selected by the IP2025 Programme Committee.

Notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent to the submitter on W/C 21st July 2025.

Registration of the Abstract Presenter

When notified of acceptance, the Presenting Author is required to accept the offer by registering for the conference and paying in full by 4th August 2024. You will be provided with a link to register at this rate in your acceptance email.

If a presenter fails to register by 4th August they:

  • Will be removed from the programme
  • Will be removed from all IP2025 related publications

Withdrawal Conditions & Change of Presenter

If you need to withdraw the abstract or change the presenting author contact conference@ips.uk.net by 4th August.

Terms and Conditions:

  • The abstract submitted adheres to the abstract submission guidelines outlined on the Conference Website.
  • The abstract submitted is in English.
  • This abstract has only been submitted once for IP2025.
  • It is the responsibility of the presenting author to submit the abstract. They are the main contact whose responsibility it is to communicate with other co-authors.
  • Conflicts of interest (if any) have been declared.
  • The presenting author is available to present at the conference between 29th – 30th September 2025.
  • The presenting author must register and pay in full by the deadline indicated in the abstract review outcome email. If they do not register and pay in full, the abstract will be removed from the programme and any associated publications.
  • The text of the abstract, along with the names and affiliations, poster and/or additional documents as requested, will be published on the conference website, in the abstract document and on the conference app, and this will not raise any copyright issues.
  • A submission as a particular presentation type or theme may be changed to a different type following review in order to be accepted and included in the programme.
  • Presenters may be recorded for live streaming. A recording of the presentation and a copy of the slides may be published online after the conference.

If you have any queries regarding the above, please contact the IP2025 Programme Team conference@ips.uk.net

Submit Abstract Here
2023 Winner Best Poster Award

Amy Boden - Associate Director of Nursing Operations/ Deputy DIPC and IPS West Midlands Branch Coordinator

Title: The Introduction of an Infection Prevention Nursing Associate in a targeted Clostridoides difficile intervention

2023 Winner Best Poster Awards